reduce risk

Reduce Risk

The business world is full of unknowns. But there are several ways leasing can help operators minimize transportation-related risks so they can focus on their core competencies. Penske Truck Leasing provides a range of services, including helping customers spec the right vehicles and maintaining them throughout the life of the lease. Here are eight ways leasing vehicles helps companies minimize risk.

Control Costs

Leasing provides a lower upfront capital investment and predictable monthly payments. You also can establish what the financing costs are so there will be no surprises.

A lease provides increased visibility into maintenance costs along with greater predictability. The hidden costs can be hard to measure, but they make a difference. Leasing means you'll have to budget for one less thing.

Leases also free up capital for use in a company's core business. Many fleets track their leases as operating leases, thus keeping the debt off of the balance sheet. When the new FASB Lease Accounting Standard goes into effect in 2018, operating leases will no longer be completely off-balance sheet; however, the lease liability will not be considered debt.

The FASB's Accounting Standards Update will require lessees to recognize most leases on their balance sheets as leased liabilities with corresponding right-of-use assets. Penske believes customers will still benefit from an operating lease for all of the traditional reasons, such as:

  • No residual risk
  • No obsolescence risk
  • No effect on debt ratios
  • Budget certainty
  • Reduction of risk and volatility

Improve Safety

Running a safe fleet protects your brand, reduces reputational risk and can limit liability. Leasing from Penske can help you improve safety in several ways, including:

Penske Maintenance — As part of a lease, Penske Truck Leasing provides maintenance throughout the lease's life. A thorough preventive maintenance program keeps trucks on the road and ensures they are operating properly. That, in turn, improves safety.

In addition to maintaining leased vehicles, Penske offers a contract maintenance solution for other vehicles within a company's fleet.

Vehicle Safety Options — Technologies like Collision Mitigation Systems (CMS) and Air Disc Brakes (ADB) can help mitigate an accident, reduce driver risk and ensure your fleet will continue to keep your business moving forward. Penske offers Class 8 tractors with the latest safety technology, including CMS and ADB. By using radar and cameras, these innovations can potentially help your drivers prevent an accident, reduce injuries and even save lives. In addition, they may help lower your risk for costly insurance claims.

For more information about safety technology available on leased vehicles, view vehicle options.

Protect CSA Scores

About 4 million commercial motor vehicle inspections are conducted every year throughout North America, according to the Commercial Vehicle Safety Administration. A well-maintained vehicle minimizes the risk of a violation at a roadside inspection. This helps companies maintain their scores as part of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's (FMCSA) Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) program, which calculates fleets' safety ratings and determines which fleets warrant intervention.

Not only is an intervention time consuming and potentially costly, but also a large portion of CSA data is public and can be viewed by customers, shippers and potential employees.

CSA scores are becoming more important to drivers, as inspections now follow drivers for three years as part of the FMCSA's Pre-Employment Screening Program. While a number of violations are ultimately the drivers' responsibility, some are dependent on the carrier, which is making some drivers more selective on potential employers. Fleet operators with the best maintenance ratings are more likely to attract drivers while also improving their CSA scores.

Increase Uptime

If a truck isn't properly maintained, a carrier runs the risk of breakdowns, which can result in missed delivery windows and poor service. In addition to fees for late deliveries, a missed deadline can result in long-term consequences, and ultimately, lost customers.

If a breakdown occurs, Penske Truck Leasing provides roadside service and a replacement vehicle if needed.

Obtain the Correct Equipment

To optimize operations and efficiency, it is important to spec the right vehicle for the application. Penske has the experience and expertise in multiple industries to find the right equipment for the job.

Leases also can provide flexibility in the number of vehicles a company keeps. Whether it's new customers and unexpected growth, or just your busy season, you can easily and cost-effectively supplement your fleet with Penske rental trucks. Penske lease and contract maintenance customers enjoy discounted rates on Penske truck rentals.

Penske Truck Leasing also monitors regulations, which helps companies ensure the equipment they are running is in compliance with state and federal regulations.

Focus on Your Core Competency

For many businesses, transportation is not their core focus. Utilizing a lease helps them minimize the amount of time they spend managing and monitoring the transportation side of the business. Penske Truck Leasing can do what we do best: take care of your fleet.

Gain Fleet Visibility

Fleet Insight™ is Penske's proprietary online tool that's designed to save you time and give you visibility and control of your fleet. Our tool allows you to effectively manage your fleet with 24/7 online access to all your information such as preventive maintenance appointments, repair notifications, 24/7 roadside assistance, invoices, fuel planning, and safety and compliance.

With Fleet Insight you can easily view and download information about any of your trucks, at any time. We take all the information that's important to you, put it in one place ─ and let you take control. Learn more about Online Fleet Management here.

Safeguard Your Data

A data breach can be extremely costly with direct and indirect repercussions that could result in monetary outlay, customer turnover and a tarnished reputation for your brand.

Penske's technology meets or exceeds industry standards and best practices to keep information secure, reduce the risk of security breaches and provide data recovery. Our data security solutions monitor its systems, the information moving back and forth between them, and the associates that access and view the data.

To protect your data 24/7, our technology gives you near real-time disaster recovery, malware detection, filtering and protection from intrusion, vulnerability scanning and patching, routine auditing and more.

This current customer – one of the largest produce distributors and fresh-cut processors serving the Southwest region – relies on its equipment to get products where they need to be, when they need to be there. For the company's Chief Financial Officer (CFO), reliability is key. "We're dealing with a perishable commodity," he says. "I need my trucks to run 99.9% of the time."

He turned to Penske Truck Leasing to help him manage his fleet. "I look at Penske as a solution," he said. "The reliability and the consistency; that is the biggest value that I see."

At first, he was reluctant to lease, but quickly realized it allowed him to focus on the core aspects of the business. "I want my team focused on buying the right product and having the right inventory and not on maintaining trucks," he said. "Internal operations is our focus, and that is the value of having the lease take care of the transportation-related headaches. I'm not a trucking company, I'm a wholesale produce distributor. You want the crucial thinking in your business to be focused on what makes the company money."

Utilizing leases has helped the company reduce a number of risks and given the company's CFO increased flexibility.

Increase Equipment Uptime

The number one goal of operations is to fulfill the obligations to the customer, which means equipment uptime is crucial. "When a truck fails we irritate our customer. If I fail enough, I'm going to lose business and lose accounts," the company's CFO said, adding that regular maintenance increases the uptime, and if a truck needs a longer repair or fails in the field, Penske provides a replacement vehicle. "I just stress to whoever I'm talking to at Penske: I don't care how you get it done, just get it here and ready to run."

Spec the Right Equipment

The company's CFO said he finds value in the expertise of Penske to spec the right equipment to get the job done for his company. "I know that they know what I'm doing with the equipment and they're not going to go and spec 500 tractors that are completely wrong."

Remain Flexible

Several years ago the company's CFO realized he had the wrong truck for a new customer who was located at the top of a big hill. "If you have an underpowered truck, you're killing the truck trying to run it uphill. We got rid of the truck and replaced it," he said, adding that he has found it easy to work with Penske to get the exact equipment he needs.

Improve Agility

Leasing is a flexible alternative for the company's CFO. "If your needs change, [Penske] will work with you to try and have the right equipment. It's a phone call." That agility allows the company to pursue new opportunities without being bound by equipment.

Reduce Litigation Liability

Not maintaining equipment properly increases the amount of risk a company is exposed to, the company's CFO said. "In this day of everyone wanting to sue everyone for everything, if you don't have a full-service maintenance operation on your equipment, you're exposing yourself to huge litigation liabilities." With Penske Truck Leasing's full-service maintenance program, the company's CFO now has a record of when certain items were serviced or replaced. "When you have a third party doing it and it is documented, you have something to fall back on."

Reduce In-House Liability

Having a third party manage maintenance also reduces the liability an on-site maintenance facility carries with it. "My alternative is to build a shop and hire the guys; that is a lot of additional liability, particularly with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issues you have to deal with if you're conducting your own maintenance on your property."

Retain Drivers

New, well-maintained equipment helps the company attract and retain quality drivers. "The right people value driving a relatively new unit that is in good shape and that they know is maintained," the company's CFO said. "When my transportation manager interviews guys and when they have their initial onboarding and training, they are impressed. The wrong guys don't care."

Support the Brand

The chefs and restaurants the company serves expect top-quality products that are handled carefully and safely. The company's CFO emphasized, "If you are going to be a top provider of high-quality food, then everything has to go along with it and the equipment is part of that."