Outsourcing On-Site Fleet Maintenance

Operating and sustaining a vehicle maintenance facility presents a vast array of ongoing and complex challenges. From maintaining equipment and ensuring access to proper tooling, to hiring and sustaining a qualified workforce, the responsibilities are endless. And with how quickly vehicle technology and compliance regulations change, simply staying on top of that obligation remains a tremendous challenge.
Penske has put together a three-part guide to help users understand why a growing number of businesses are moving towards a qualified outside maintenance provider to deliver on-site service to overcome these obstacles. The first section takes a comprehensive look at what it takes to provide superior maintenance service, optimize staffing, manage tooling systems and parts, and comply with environmental and safety requirements. The next section shows how to calculate and understand all your current maintenance costs. The final section considers mitigating factors if you're deciding to outsource to a third-party maintenance provider, including how to find the right partner and how to effectively manage change.
As a proven leader in the transportation industry, Penske offers on-site maintenance services that can help you:
- Predict operating costs
- Increase labor productivity
- Optimize vehicle uptime and lifecycle
- Achieve environmental goals
- Outsource financial and compliance risk
Whether you have just begun thinking about outsourcing on-site maintenance or you're in the latter stages of choosing a partner, you will benefit from this e-book.